except the lord

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I am so fascinated by the early church in the book of Acts. This was a church that operated as one in order to do the work of the Holyspirit. I am constantly reminded that in order to impact a dying world, the church of Jesus Christ needs to take its focus away from self and go back to the Cross. Jesus died a painful death in order to set us free from sin and death.

As I see what is happening in the world today, it shows how far off the work of the Cross has been belittled. We must begin to see through the eyes of the Spirit. As darkness increases, the light of Jesus is even shining brighter if you care to look through Jesus' eyes. To be in one spirit, like the church in Acts, requires us to unite and stand together as one Body operating in the five fold ministry gifts specified in the Bible.I pray that everyone sees themselves as unique vessels that can be used by God to bring change, healing and deliverance in these dark times. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Takemy yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-31)

Except the LORD” is a story that depicts and portrays divine intervention in the life of an enthusiastic, vivacious, intellectual and God-fearing lady by the name Nana. Nana is the sixth child in the family of seven children. She lost her father at a tender age and whilst still in primary shcool. and this made it impossiblefor her to further her schooling. Nonetheless, she was zealous, committed, dedicated and steadfast in her love for Christ. After four years of no education, a devouted christian man in her church offered to assist her unconditionally to to pursue her academic aspirations.

Nana was admitted into High school in 1990. The christian man only paid the tuition and all other needs were covered by her cousin. Nana worked very hard in school and her intrinsic scholastic drive was just awesome. She attained good grades in the first semester.

Unfortunately, the christian man was unable to continue paying for her studies. This was very devastating for Nana and she began to wonder....Are my dreams shattered? Why this sudden decision? Have I done anything that warranted such action? What was my crime? Just Nana was distraught and cried out... God help me!

Nana was heartbroken. The christian man later invited her in an attempt to explain why he had suddenly stopped paying. His fear being that he would invest so much in her, but another man would enjoy the benefits!

As is in some form of hallucination, this devouted, 'honourable,' christian man visibly epitomized Pontius Pilate by fetching water into a bowl, then washing both hands as he said.. Nana “I wash my hands to let you know I meant what I said about not being able to assist you”.

He then prayed and graciously released himself from his promise to her!

Life was truly going downhill from then on. Nana spent weeks in tears, months of isolation and each day passed with no hope. At this point, the only one Nana had was the LORD. Her mother was struggling and unable to help her. She had no one “Except the LORD”. Astoundingly, while encountering these challenges, she kept her intimacy with theLORD and efficiently pla



Our sincere condolences to the

family and friends of the late

Prophet Phineas A. Turner II

The month of May has opened up a new season of warmth, birds singing and clear blue skys in our part of the world. Many have began to awaken from their winter sleep and are beginning to see things with new eyes and from a new angel. Women are taking up new responsibilities and jumping the bridge into a completely new environment

Hildah Lunding is the Founder of Women's International Prayer Circle, a women's ministry pioneered to encourage and uplift women to find their purpose in life through the transforming power of the word of God. She is also Founder/Publisher of Women's Frontline Magazine. Hildah enjoys writing and connecting with others that have the same passion. She is married and resides in Denmark with her husband and children.

Olivia Naa Lamle Okine


Coordinator For

Women's Frontline Magazine

note from the publisher

Women are nurturers at heart and are skilled at juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities. This is a key factor in succeding in what we set our minds to and as we set our minds on Christ, the road we have chosen becomes enlightened with the knowledge and revelation of God.

As women, we are vessels that are used to birth something unique and original in all its form. The womb represents the fertile soil where the seed grows and is shaped, ready to bring forth the new.

There are those that are sitting and waiting for someone to come and save them. Jesus already came, paid the price for us to begin to take possession of His promises. You are the solution to the very thing that you seek. If you let the Holyspirit be the key player in your lfe, you will embark on an adventurous exciting journey.

In this issue , our cover story is on Pearl Ocloo Dua who has stepped out and is letting God pave her path.

We also pay tribute to the late Prophet Phineas A. Turner II by releasing the article he had submitted to me to publish in the magazine.

Our sincere condolences go to his family, friends and sisters and brothers in Christ. May God continue to give you strength to press on from where he left.

We have diverse exciting stories that are worth reading.

May you get inspired as you read them and rise above everything that you ever imagined.

Last but not least, my special thanks go to the writers. Without you, there would be nothing to read. You are greatly appreciated.

Hildah Lunding is the Founder of Women's International Prayer Circle, a women's ministry pioneered to encourage and uplift women to find their purpose in life through the transforming power of the word of God. She is also Founder/Publisher of Women's Frontline Magazine. Hildah enjoys writing and connecting with others that have the same passion. She is married and resides in Denmark with her husband and children.

Hildah Lunding is the Founder of Women's International Prayer Circle, a women's ministry pioneered to encourage and uplift women to find their purpose in life through the transforming power of the word of God. She is also Founder/Publisher of Women's Frontline Magazine. Hildah enjoys writing and connecting with others that have the same passion. She is married and resides in Denmark with her husband and children.