prophetic corner

The Kingdom of Heaven is often used in reference to God's visible work on earth. Jesus was showing us that in His visible work here on earth (through faithful servants), there will always be those who will come against His planned work. To be a forerunner like John the Baptist requires boldness and no fear of man. John the Baptist, like Jesus Himself, took the Kingdom of Heaven (visible work of God on earth) by force, not physical force but a force or power by declaring the word of God.

It is difficult to be disciplined in the things of God and to be holy, because our flesh is constantly reminding us that we are human and cannot live according to the high standards of God.

And yet, God tells us that we must live by his commandments and walk according to His ways. This requires discipline and commitment in what we do.

What does taking the kingdom by force mean? Are we to fight for it?

I believe this is a picture of what our desire should be towards getting closer to being children that are born of the Spirit. Passiveness will get us nowhere until we decide to take up our cross and fight the good fight. What is this thing that has come against you? Whatever it is, you have the power to overcome and let the kingdom within you arise.

This requires a constant collaboration between the mind, body and spirit. When Jesus said that we should take the kingdom by force, He was leaving the responsibility and decision to us. Who are we allowing to be in the drivers seat of our lives? If you are not holding the keys to your life, who is? In order to drive, one must have the key that gives us access to the car. If someone else is running your life, you will need to take back that control no matter what the cost.

To take the kingdom by force will require a decision to make a change in one's life. God wants to establish His Kingdom is us, but it requires that we also play a part in making this happen. The spiritual realm is also the battlefield of the devil, where we "wrestle" with "spiritual wickedness in high places". Eph. 6:12. There is a constant fight about Who will control this territory?

"And from the days of John the Baptist until the present moment the kingdom of heaven has been continuously taken by storm, and those who take it by storm are seizing it as a precious prize.ยด Mathew 11:12

My child, listen to what I say, do not waver to the right or to the left. For I am with you and will sustain you. Have I not said that I will never leave you nor forsake you? Yield to my spirit, He will show you things to come. Do not be disappointed if they do not come in the way you expected them, I work in different ways than yours. I am God Almighty and my hand is upon everything I ask you to do. Now yield to my spirit, be still and know that I am God. Quieten your soul and reach out to a higher place that I have prepared for you. For I am Alpha and Omega, the Author and Finisher of your faith. I will pick you up when you fall or when you think that you cannot do it. I will send my Angels to prepare the way for you. You will be fully absorbed in me as I reveal my plans to you. Thats why I want you to yield to me, spend time with me, and I will show you great and mighty things.

For a season is falling upon my children that they will ask for anything in my name and I will immediately release it into their hands. I will give you everything to advance my kingdom. So do not look back child, let the wind of my Spirt carry you to many nations.

Invite my Spirit to carry you and show you what I have prepared for you. It is a marvellous time for my children, those who are faithful to me and are called by my name.

My Father has prepared treasures for them, and they will unpack them along the way. The road may look tough, but be of good cheer for I have overcome! Indeed this is a season of new release of an Anointing to my children, and an Anointing that will break every yoke and destroy all firey darts of the enemy. All this is free, you just need to invite me in when I knock.

I am standing by your door. Will you open it and let me come in?