The last affliction we are going speak about is Sspiritual. The woman that had an infirmity for 18 years. (Luke 13:10-13).

She was bowed together, and could in no way lift herself up. It seems to me that this woman, like all of the church folks was a regular in the synagogue carrying that obvious infirmity. I will personally look at it as spiritual because many of us are hunch back Christians. We go back and forth to churches, bible studies, revival and attend conferences on a regular basis and still carrying so much spiritual baggages that I call afflictions. We never get truly set free. We are still having the same issues that we had many years ago. Why is it ?I would say because the church is no longer playing the role the early church played in the book of Acts but, it is now a place of tradition, religion and financial center. The Holy Spirit is no longer in control and we have brought our personal agenda's and not kingdom agenda to God's house. Many people or congregants have never had a true encounter with the Holy Spirit, who will heal deliver and set us free.

Our problems are becoming more and more serious and we have become hunch back Christians carrying our burdens(5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.2 Timothy 3:5). The Apostle waited in the upper room as Jesus instructed them.(Acts 1:8) They knew that they could not move forward without the Holy Spirit. The bible states(14 These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.)Acts 1:14) Like the woman with Spirit of infirmity for 18 years, she kept coming until she had a personal encounter with the master himself, Jesus Christ healed her instantly. Jesus wants to loose us from religion, tradition and personal agendas into His kingdom age. He wants to empower us and fill us up with His Holy spirit. Are we ready to move into that level of His glory?

God is calling you to persevere and press on, the race is not given to the swift but to those who endured to the end. Apostle Paul says 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Declaration : I AM pressing on in Jesus name,
