"Maecenas ipsum purus ultricies ut hendrerit ac, imperdiet et lectus.Nula facilisi. Nula facilisi. Proin porttitor."

''There were times in my life where the pain was so great or the trial so hard, or the situation almost unbearable, that only my ability to sing to my savior..''


Do you believe that women are stepping up to be a positive influence in their homes, communities and society?

I strongly and most certainly believe women are stepping up. We have been forced to. Many of us have had to begin to do that which was originally looked at as a male role or position. In our homes most are single mothers, placed in the role of being both mother and father. We are raising daughters and sons. The unfortunate truth to this fact is, as women, we can not teach our son's how to be a men. We can only teach them from a woman's perspective on what we think a man is. We're doing it and have been doing on a daily basis. But I believe these young men grow up missing something very valuable.

You are beginning to see even more women being valuable resources in our communities and society. Men have led our world. But if you want to get something done, put a women in charge of it. Women have a different type of "fight" in them. That might have a lot to do with how God created us. Proverbs 31: speaks about a woman that is a shred blessing to her home, husband and her children. She's a business woman, she is a seamstress, a real estate agent, and an investor. She helps the needy. She is a strong woman who carries herself with dignity and speaks with wisdom. She is publicly praised. Isn't this what we are witnessing today?


Do you think that women are really understanding their roles in the church today ?

What are our roles in the church today? So its hard to answer that question. We understand what has been taught to us by other women. However, some things need to be taught over. For example: being single and preparing for marriage. The church has messed up our mindset when it comes to marriage and our roles as wives. If I hear one more reference to Ruth and Boaz or Ester im going to scream!!!!

Forget about that!!! Go all the way back to the garden. We need to look at Eve and ask God to make us like Eve. But help us not to make the same mistake. Eve came equipped. She was prepared for the role as helpmeet while inside of Adam. She was familiar with Gods voice and Adams voice. She knew what Adam needed, she knew his likes and dislikes. She knew his weaknesses etc. Why? Because she was there when he was formed. She was him. So if our prayer is God make me like Eve, make me in your image and likeness, we dont have to deal with all that foolishness of being like Ruth waiting for Boaz. That was a business deal anyway! And Boaz was old and dies soon after they get married. If you do it from the garden, theres no need to prepare for a year like Ester. You come prepared and ready like Eve!

women's frontline magazine