Women’s Frontline Magazine – May 2016 Rising From the Ashes – By Mary Eisenacher There is a spiritual place where you can get to that is a place like Petra. Petra is a famous historical place in Jordan. It is a protected place with a narrow entrance. Therefore, when you are inside the fortress, it can be well-guarded – and you are safe from your enemies. This is where God wants you to be when you are going through the storms of life – safe with Him and knowing He is guarding you and keeping you safe. You can worship Him and enjoy His presence when you are in this place. I can’t say it’s always easy to stay in that state of “trust” in God – but, I believe that is just where He wants us to be and calls us there where He can minister to us. Our difficulties are easy to Him. Don’t you wish you had an easy button to push sometimes to solve things instantly? It doesn’t always work that way, does it? Some things take a longer time for God to work it all out together for good. As I go through cancer treatment, He is with me . . . all the way! He never leaves me or forsakes me. He has brought so many new people into my life and old friends are close by. And, yet, The Great Physician – I believe – has already healed me, and my healing is manifesting over time. I praise God for my life and the life of many others in this hour that Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus is causing problems in our bodies to come to light to be healed! That’s a gift that He wants us to receive! I’m on display at churches, doctor’s offices, and in the marketplace. People are observing the goodness of God in my life. And, this has caused me to have many opportunities to talk about my love of the Lord and give out books I’ve written so that The Word is still going out. On the receiving end this time, people have ministered to my husband and I, cooked meals for us, prayed for us, and encouraged us! The initial word of my trial came as a shock. The enemy wanted to bring me to ashes and wanted me to believe that all was over; however God says otherwise, the doctors and nurses say otherwise, as do my friends and those seeing me rise – despite it all. To be truthful, I have a good prognosis and the Spirit of God is pushing me forward to keep going! I humbly submit my ordeal to you, knowing that everyone is going through something. I believe that God will help you in your trials all along the way. He will guide you! He will keep you . . . if you keep your eyes on Him. I’m praying for each one reading this article, that God’s presence will surround you and that the inner witness of the Holy Spirit will keep you in perfect peace. Will there be tears? Unbelief? Fears? Vain imaginations? Probably! Most likely the enemy will send an arsenal against you at times to test your faith. The Holy Spirit will be there to comfort, teach, and guide you through! When you get overwhelmed, go to Petra – the place of thanksgiving, worship, singing, dancing, clapping, shouting . . . and receiving the love of Father God, who sees you perfect through the blood of Jesus. Your Savior Christ Jesus knows what you need, because as man He went through too. And, precious Holy Spirit is right there ready to remind you of who you are in Christ and just what great authority you have to pray and watch the atmosphere change. At every opportunity that you have to succumb and turn to ashes, turn to God and rise!!!!! Hebrew 11:6 – He that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.