Women Shining Magazine Women Shining Fall 2017 | Page 36

BIG GIRL PANTIES... Put them on and do it! W e have all experienced set backs and disappointments. We also have read many quotes about acceptance, and when one door closes another opens. Easy words to read, not always so easy to do. What really happens when your world crumbles? Your reaction and action, is what makes the difference between women who settle and women who shine! Earlier this summer I was at one of the morning networking groups I attend and one of our dynamic members, Jenn Kennedy, was promoting her ‘Summer in July’ sale of beauty products. Great sale! Everyone was excited and taking advantage of the opportunity to save BIG on great products. In less than 2 weeks, Jenn received a call from her head office advising her that the company was closing and her world, her livelihood as a single mother of three boys, was gone! I recently sat down with Jenn Piper Kennedy to ask her about her experience: Interviewer: What was your initial reaction to the news? JPK: After receiving the devastating news that the company I had been involved in, worked hard for almost 10 years, built the #1 team (Canada and overall), winner of many awards, vacations, and cars... was closing! 34