Women Shining Magazine Women Shining Fall 2017 | Page 19

THINK EASY - In every group there are the ‘grazers’! Stock up on store bought hummus or guacamole and veggies ready to chop as needed. Other favourites are bread, chips and cheese - they help to keep tummies full and are easily eaten off of napkins (minimizing need to clean up). #1 TIP - AVOID THE BIG BREAKFAST STRESS - Not to mention time consuming and adding to the workload. Your guests and their waist lines will thank you. Offer up a large batch of your favorite muffins (prepared ahead and make sure you were able to freeze them). S�l�� Fi� Ca����n� C�. W���� loc�� �n��e���nt� �n� �����y�r� ��� h�n���e� Another choice is, or you could offer with the muffins, granola (again prepared ahead of time). Set those out with some yogurt and fruit and everyone will be well-fed until dinner rolls around. Thanksgiving is for every one, so enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! • P�rs�n����e� ���u� • I�e�� f�� C��p�ra�� �� P��va�� E��nt� • Wed��ng� �n� H�u��boa� T��r� Em��� : �ic���_ma����@�� .c�� Ph���: 604-290-4237 A 'S��� � ��� E���' ca����n� c��p��� �r�u��� �����n� ��� N��� Ok�nag�� �n� S�u��w�� ��ea� 17