Volume 1 , Issue 1 Page 5
Loretta Green-Williams is without a doubt positioned for such as a time as this . Green- Williams is a petite dynamo who energy knows little to no bounds . She constantly thinking , moving and doing . The unique knowledge and intellect possessed by Green-Williams is an endowment from the Almighty Himself and because He called and predestine her to greatness no weapon formed against was able to prosper . She has authored her memoirs and details how she survived generational domestic violence and abuse . The murder and tragic murder of her younger daughter further propelled her into her divine destiny as a woman to reckoned with on the frontlines of Domestic Violence .
Green-Williams is the visionary and the foundation of Women of Concern Professionals Strategic Consciousness Networking . It is her marketing ingenuity that has propelled and perpetuated the growth trajectory of the organization . She has aided each Regional President institute and implement their chapter in a fashion that cohesively embraces the mission , construct and philosophies of the founding entity but yet upholds their unique vision and mission .
Each of WOCPSCN Regional Chapter Presidents are uniquely poised in their membership drive . There are any cookie cut methods but rather a concerted mindset that gives us license to toot our own horn . We want to led from a position of power , sustainability with concern and carefully thought out plans that shore up our collectively eco- nomic purchasing power , We are methodically moving in a direction that grant us visibility and entrance into commercial markets . There is no need for us to reinvent the wheel and we make no attempt to . We are your organization ’ s organization ; we are all about the strategic consciousness of networking and aligning . We are committed to creating a consortium of media outlets that allows us to freely exercise domain in a variety of venues , events and indust r i e s . T h e r e for our m e m -
Taking on the role of President in any area , political , professional , corporately is serious business . It is a nobrainer when you see the women who have made the decision to become WOCPSCN Regional Chapter Presidents . Anita Martin , Northern California ; Tique Lee Caul , Brentwood , CA ; Debra Roberts , Pittsburg / Bay
Point Area ; Ka ’ Ryn Jackson Holder Ph . D ., San Francisco ( 2013 Conference Host ); Tasha Davidson , Haywood , CA ; Ronnie Savage , Southern CA : and Jasmin Farnum , NY- Eastern Region . Each of the Regional Chapter Presidents began as members and instinctively felt destined for more . The opportunity for members to begin their own chapter is a definite option .
For more information on membership or starting a WOCPSCN Chapter call : ( 510 ) 586-9955