Women of Concern Professionals Strategic Consciousness Networking Volume 1 Issue 1 | Page 4

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Get LISTED in our WOCPSCN Annual Directory

There are several benefits that are yours to enjoy when you Get LISTED in the WOCPSCN Annual Directory — the option to adjoin your listed information as member or a non-member is made convenient especially for those who are still contemplating becoming a full-fledge member .
Whether you are a full-fledge member or a non-member your professional listing in our directory is getting before a wideworld audience will see you . However , because they have a working relationship with our organization , Founder , Board , Regional Presidents , and Members they seek you out . They know our mission , respect our strategies and recognize our projected growth and the economic power of our demographic- Women . You also enjoy the prestige of being among solid business-owners and professionals
who are looking to strategically align and network with you .

2013 WOCPSCN National Conference

Folks , it is only going to get bigger and better . The most important thing that you will come to know and understand about all WOCPSCN Chapters is we are strategic . Each of our Regional Chapter Presidents knows their mantle is a divine ordering of their steps and seeks first the
Kingdom of God , it righteousness and assumes the posture of anticipating all the other things will be added . The 2013
“ Making Decisions Affecting Change !”
WOCPSCN National Conference is already projecting thoughts , actions and resources to the 2015 National Conference that will be hosted in New York / New Jersey . Most important about this year ’ s conference is the option offers to attend in person in Los Angeles , CA or if distance is a perceived problem — Problem


Everyone interested in development of professional , business and personal growth should attend . WOCPSCN workshops held by leading experts in their field . You can choose the workshops you ’ re most interested in attending and you can register the day of the event . Attend in person or virtually ( at a modest price ). A luncheon is included for the LA physical attendees . 2013 WOCPSCN National Conference Invited Guest Speaker , Pat Durocher , Founder / CEO of GLOBALCYNERIES LLC , a firm with purchasing power and relationships in over 125 countries . Globalcyneries ’ services include assisting in venue selec- tion , contract negotiations for meetings , confere n c e s a n d events . Pat Durocher has over 25 years of experience and is well versed in working with diverse teams of people globally . Her business savvy and acumen