Voltaire had posted a tremendous testimony and tribute to his mother . It was this blog post that brought the bigger picture to life . I was overwhelmed with sadness , joy , inspiration and aspiration . As if ignited by a divine fire , I was charged to actacknowledge , pay tribute and most of all to reach out to Voltaire and his sister , Ramona Wright seeking permission to honor Adelaide during Women ’ s History Month
on WOCP Radio .
I realized long the way
Voltaire ’ s business and App were a direct result of the life his mother lived and the legacy she bequeathed him and his sister . I can ’ t help but wonder what impact my entrepreneurial spirit and ventures will have on my son and daughter as well as the legacy that I will leave behind for generations to
come .
I have to inform you Voltaire and William both have a determination and drive that I believe will set the world ablaze so if you
can ’ t stand the heat
PLEASE , PLEASE don ’ t go near the flames of their ambitions . As you go through their website if you aren ’ t inspired pinch yourself to see if you are still among the living . I also urge to pick one or more of the many ways in which you can get involved and help them be able to help
us all .
Their level dreaming and their ability to manifest their dream is very inspiring . I can see them igniting change in the young and
old from all walks of life .
As I would with any colleague that beckoned me for assistance in a project- I am available to Voltaire , Ramona , and William for I feel very strongly that Adelaide beckoned me to
aid .
There aren ’ t always explanation of the why or wherefore but if you listen to the still small voice that speaks to you in the midnight hours as you lay awake and dream , know that you are not crazy . NO don ’ t you dare quit , dream big and buy the
App that will get there .