Women In The Sequel 1 | Page 19


5 ways to up your game at work

Get enough sleeping hours

By getting regular rest, you'll get sick less often, stay at a healthy weight, reduce stress, improve your mood, be able to think more clearly, and do work more efficiently in school and at work. Most adults need 7 or 8 hours of sleep every night, but everyone is different, so everyone has a different minimum amount of sleep hours. I, for example, need at least 6 hours of sleep. Anything under that and I get headaches, I get groggy, I am more likely to be in a bad mood, and am always in a state of profound confusion. After a rough night or by putting off sleep, it is more difficult to take in new information and to retain it. So good luck on that test or taking those meeting notes.

Make time to hang out with friends and family

Friends can help celebrate good times and provide support during bad times. They also increase your sense of belonging and purpose along with boosting your happiness and reducing your stress. Friends and family will always be there to help you cope with traumas, such as divorce, serious illness, job loss or the death of a loved one. So don't forget to pay them a visit now and again! My friends definitely keep me sane when we’re thrown into a hurricane of work, and I know from personal experiences that when things get rough, you always want to have a friend you can run to so you can cope with what seems like a bottomless pit. However, having no friends or not making time to do something about your social health can be as deadly as smoking. Harvard researchers compared levels of the blood-clotting protein with the numbers of friends and family in a person’s social network and found a striking correlation. As the number of social connections fell, the level of fibrinogen, a protein that in humans plays a part in the forming of clots, rose.



Exercise regularly

Exercise comes with a lot of benefits such as, controling weight, combating health conditions and diseases, improveing your mood, and boosting your energy, memory, and focus. In fitness, we played a brain game where after performing a series of exercises, the class had to recite the alphabet backwards. Many kids improved their score than when they recited it and still had not yet done the exersices. If exersice isn't your thing, then you might look forward to more sick days, achy breaky bones, and a frowny face.

women in the sequel 19