Women In The Sequel 1 | Page 12

To begin, my intervention was to make a “viral” challenge called the Women Empowerment Challenge and it is mostly directed towards men participating in it. This challenge consisted of 5 steps to do in order to complete the whole challenge. Upon completion of one step, the person would pain 2 of their nails and take a picture of it to post on social media with the hashtag #women empowerment challenge. Once they completed the whole challenge, they would have all 10 nails painted and would post their 10 painted nails on social media with the hashtag #women empowerment challenge complete. I planned on getting my post data by viewing how many times the hashtag for my challenge was used on instagram alone. The picture on the next page has more details on the steps taken to complete the challenge. The very image that you see is the flyer that Jazmin, a fellow friend and freshman student that I teamed up with to execute my intervention, and I worked on and asked for our school’s STUGO to participate in it. In addition to asking STUGO to participate, we also made many copies and posted them around the school so that everyone could get a chance to participate and also posted it on social media, such as Instagram, Facebook, and our own Snapchat stories. In addition, we went a step further and sent an email to famous Youtuber Superwoman and Buzzfeed our flyer and asked them if they would kindly endorse us so that our challenge could potentially spread out to the world. Since then, we got a response from Buzzfeed saying that they might go ahead and take part in it and Superwoman has not yet given us a reply. But with or without a response, Jazmin and I had a clear vision of what we wanted to see once our intervention is put into action.

Jazmin and I wanted to see a world where slowly, but surely, our challenge would spread from one person to another and eventually reach people from outside our school and the world would be able to participate in our challenge. Awareness that women struggle with internal and external factors to get a leadership position would also spread and efforts would be made to try and fight the obstacles that difficult getting a higher position. Unfortunately, things didn’t go according to how we thought they would. On Instagram, there were 21 posts total with the hashtag #womenempowermentchallenge. Although we didn’t get our whole school to participate in it, we were able to get a handful of people to take part and understand why we decided to make every step the way we did. We thought that was a little more important than a mass of people only doing it because it was the new trend.

With this being said, it concludes my first year of the STF process and will soon begin another year’s worth of striving to make a difference in my community.

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