Women in Art 278 Magazine November 2013 | Page 7

giving thanks RT I can hardly believe it is November already. Days pass so quickly. Perhaps that’s why I love our cover art “Mother Earth” by Silvia Cataudella. In my opinion, this is a painting that perfectly captures peace and harmony - no rushing, no hurrying, no stress, no worrying about the holidays. When I look at her, I see a woman who is taking a break from her busy life to reconnect with herself and nature … a lesson many of us talk about but don’t embrace. During the interview with Silvia, she talked about being lost in time while creating her art. I completely relate. It’s so easy to become immersed in my craft and then break away for a moment and wonder … where has the day gone? Although it is “work” it doesn’t feel like it. It’s not a chore or a task but rather something that invigorates my soul. I love what I do and the artists featured in these pages do as well. It’s a unifying quality among artists. Passion drives us. Passion fuels us. Passion compels us to create and it’s something we enjoy doing! In the USA, where I’m from, November is a time to pause and give thanks. In honor of the tradition, I’d like to thank the artists featured in this magazine for sharing their passion with Women in Art 278 and becoming a part of our journey. Until next time, my friends … LMarelli Liesl Marelli Editor-in-Chief @LBMarelli