a m e rican artist
liesl marelli
ph otog raphy
ABOUT THE ARTIST: I began my career in photography as a photojournalist in the US Army. After a decade
of service and serving during war, I changed gears completely. I have since become a mother of two
beautiful daughters and live a rather peaceful life by the sea. Perhaps it’s because of my aversion to a
world of hate (the news is full of toxic things), I’ve begun adapting my photography to a more tranquil
feel. I manipulate my photography to maintain the movement of the sea but add an element of peace
and connectedness. I am in awe of the power of the sea, the color of it and the ways in which it is used
and also abused. This style of manipulated photography is designed to add tranquility to a space while
still maintaining the true movement of the sea. It’s my effort to add peace, color and nature into a home,
office or building.
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