a m e rican artist
Lena Spencer
Acrylic Painting
ABOUT THE ARTIST: The inspiration
began with a sketch night at the Sam
Bell Maxey House. We hired a model
to dress in late 1800 period clothing
so we could sketch. The images were
lovely and the history in the house
compelling. The juxtaposition of
historical images, cultural and historical
references, pattern and design, with
today’s modern woman resonated and
I began to look for connections to
create narrative.
My work conveys my perspective on
relationships, motherhood, childhood,
feminism, and life through images and
materials that have been used in the
past and recomposed to create a
new narrative in a contemporary form.
Repeated motifs stress similarities, unity
and explore composition. The bicycle
played an important part in shaping
the future for independent women in so
many ways. The images chosen have
symbolic and emotional content, re-
using and valuing the past, and cel-
ebrating a daring and independent
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