Women in Art 278 Magazine January 2018 | Page 29

a m e rican artist liesl marelli ph otog raphy minimalist rooftop Photography 20”x20” Printed on Aluminum ABOUT THE ARTIST: My venture into minimalism was an unconscious decision. At one point, my perspective shifted and found happiness in textures, minimalist composition, chaos-free captures of the world around me. Although I appreciate many artistic styles, I gravitate toward images that evoke sentiments of peace, quiet, tranquility, calm. The image itself is a slice of reality. For example, the photograph here was actually the rooftop of a gas station store. Ev- erything below the roof could be categorized as environmentally destructive, dirty (litter on the ground), bright and unnecessary neon signs and so on. But from the roof to the sky, there was a different feeling. I believe that the way we see things reflects our optimism or pessimism. We can see the dark reality but don’t have to dwell in it. We can see it, cope with it, help be a positive catalyst of change and also focus on the good we see and let the good reside in us and reverberate outward. ART 29 pag e