Women Empowering Women Magazine Women Empowering Women Magazine Summer 2015 | Page 8

8 | Special Feature present. I believe that the great commission was given to us as disciples/leaders to be equipped with the word, the good news and with our gifts to go and prepare others with what we have learnt. you’re sent you have the resources available for those who need it. God will always give us a period of grace to prepare for where we’re going. What resources do you need and who can help you prepare them? Being equipped also means being filled with His Word. I have come How to Move Into This New Season across many wonderful women of God who are Avoid being distracted – I see it time and time hungry for God and want to do His Work, but again with people that I’ve mentored, coached or sadly they lack discipleship. Some don’t know taught, their predominant enemy is distraction. how to hear from God and some don’t Distraction takes your focus away from what understand how to apply God’s word to their you must do now. Our minds and circumstances life to solve a problem. The bible tells us the put can distract us from our assignment. A tip is to on the full armour of God…what does that mean identify where the distraction is coming from, to you? Ephesians 6: 10-18 the enemy of our soul will draw our attention to issues we’ve been fighting for awhile and instead of taking authority we spend time worrying. When the disciples we’re going to the other side, there was a storm that frightened them. Jesus was sleeping in the lower deck of the boat and Identify your nation – who are you called to? I’ve often said that your nation can most times be the person who looked like you before you were delivered. What problem have you been called to solve? A clue would be to read Isaiah 61: 1-3. when they woke Him, He rebuked the storm. Nothing was going to stop them going to the other side. Mark 4:39 Be obedient and Go Therefore – At the wedding of Canaan, Jesus was called to turn water into wine. His mother told the disciples to do Be relevant with God – we may be concentrating on projects that are out of season, similar to “flogging a dead horse”. It may also be that such projects may not be bad, but rather out of season. It’s important to be relevant with what the Spirit of God is doing in this new season so that you whatever He tells them to do. The bible tells us that obedience is better than sacrifice and also that when we obey, we will eat the fruit of the land. What is God telling you to do so that you can enter into this new season and go therefore……? Micah 6:8 are ready to “Go Therefore”. There is nothing worse than praying to God to bless you in the way you want, rather than in the way He wants. Such prayers can make you miss God’s movement in your life at this time. Be equipped – do you have the necessary resources for this new season so that when Romans 8:19 tells us that the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. You are the sons (daughters) of God and all of creation is waiting eagerly with so much expectation for you to take your position on earth to bring a move of God, for a touch from SUMMER 2015 WOMEN EMPOWERING WOMEN