Women Empowering Women Magazine Women Empowering Women Magazine Summer 2015 | Page 7

Special Feature | 7 T his is an instruction I keep hearing in This I believe is no coincidence as the eldest in my spirit. my family and my husband the eldest in his This command is part of the great commission that was spoken to us by Jesus before He was taken up to heaven to be with the Father. Matthew 28: 19 family, the urgency of taking the baton to develop others, not just develop but ensure that God’s People are prepared for this end time period. I sense an urgency like never before, we need to be equipped as leaders to support and empower Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, others, to prepare people for the end. baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Now I see that God has been working in me behind the scenes, so that I am equipped to 20. Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. As Citizens of the Kingdom, we are reminded that we have a work to do here on earth as we wait in expectation of Jesus’ return. There is a shift in the spiritual realm, we have moved into a new season, we’re in a new dispensation and there is an urgent request for us to be in total alignment with the Spirit of God as He brings us in line with what He is doing at this time. I remember in our Summer Issue 2014, I wrote about passing the baton, my mother had passed away and it brought a sense of responsibility in my life as I realised that I had to step up in my role as a leader (servant) to those who need to be in position for the Kingdom. This year, we’re also s