Women Empowering Women Magazine Spring Special Issue | Page 8

8 | Special Feature That’s when I knew I was somehow special and I had a calling on my life, I mean....the Lord is calling me, and I didn’t know how this calling would actually take shape. Once I had come to the realisation that I was called, I cried and cried and cried as if something in me had died. I needed my mother to come and hold me and tell me that everything would be alright, she would explain and I would understand; but I knew my mother wouldn’t understand and she wouldn’t be able to explain it to me in a way that I would be fulfilled and satisfied with the answer. I decided to go to the wife of my department head in the ministry for clarification. She confirmed what I already knew, God was calling me but my question was how is He calling me and how does this calling take shape? All she said to me is go back to the Lord wait on Him and He will answer me in His own time. This was 2002 and in 2010, as I continued to submit, seeking God doing whatever my hands found to do, the Lord answered me and gave me clarity. I am His servant and I operate in the function of a prophet, I am called to empower women to fulfil their Kingdom Mandate on earth and to bring clarity to often misunderstood events they’ve experienced, I speak on behalf of God to set the captives free, only by His Grace I am equipped to carry out my functions, I don’t speak what I’ve not heard Him speak, but only speak as I hear even if it doesn’t sound right to the receiver. I am called to prepare His People and show them how to build His Kingdom on earth with their abilities, I am a prophet to prophets and I say this with all humility. SPRING 2016 WOMEN EMPOWERING WOMEN My lack of understanding of my purpose in my early years made me discredit prophets, I saw them as tarot card readers, I remember I had a bad experience meeting prophets when I was a lot younger; I saw them as deceivers who would stop at nothing to entice people with false prophecy just to get their money. It’s amazing that God had been preparing me in a time when many didn’t value the word of a prophet because of the experiences; however God was preparing me in the midst of uncertainty for such a time as this time. We’re now in the Apostolic Prophetic period and many of God’s Chosen prophets are rising up, many are coming out of hiding to speak and pronounce God’s message in this time, we have the liberty to speak and also we have the liberty to speak against the false prophets, those who have been deceiving the Body of Christ, distracting them from the word of God. God’s Prophets are those who have gone through deep wounds and overcome, who have experienced pain, who have cried tears of sorrow and as such they hear, see and feel the heart of God for the nation. We’ve moved away from Prophets who can prophesy how much you have in the bank, where you live and what job you have, they are no longer relevant and furthermore those who have itching ears to hear from such prophets are being empowered, disciple and delivered from such deception. God is sending those who have been chastised, nurtured, humbled to prepare His People; these are the real prophets...Will the real prophets please stand UP!