Women Empowering Women Magazine Spring Special Issue | Page 7

Special Feature | 7 I remember a time in 2004, while I was reading my bible in my bedroom, it was quiet around me and I wanted to soak in the words that I was reading in the Book of Jeremiah. As I started reading, my eyes stopped at Jeremiah 1:5 ‘Before I formed you in your mother’s womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you I ordained you a prophet to the nations.’ As I continued to read these verses over and over again I felt God’s presence in my bedroom. I knew God was speaking to me directly, this scripture is saying something to me, and God is calling me to do something that I couldn’t understand. “Before I formed you in your mother’s womb I knew you; ….I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” As days passed, I kept on hearing the verse repeatedly in my heart I’ve called you as a Prophet to the nations. What or who is a prophet? I thought, what is the nation? I pondered to myself, I needed clarity about this verse and how it seemed to be connected to my purpose. As I continued church attendance, I got involved in the Hands of Compassion Department, a discipleship arm of the church, where I started discipleship training, visiting new converts and visiting the sick in the hospitals at the same time I always had the scripture in Jeremiah at the back of my mind. After while my busy routine of work, church, home took over and I found myself forgetting the verse in Jeremiah. 6 months later, I was having my daily devotion and as I open my bible to read a scripture it opens to 1 Kings 19:19. The verse narrates the call of Elisha the prophet. In this verse, Elijah was directed to go to the Desert of Damascus to anoint Hazael king over Aram, Jehu son of Nimshi over Israel and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat to succeed Elijah as prophet. Elijah saw Elisha ploughing with twelve yoke of oxen and Elisha was riding the twelve pair of oxen. Elijah goes up to Elisha and throws his cloak around Elisha. Elisha then leaves his oxen and runs after Elijah requesting