DeeAnne Riendeau
Feel Better, Be Better, Do Better
Lying in bed, unhappy, stressed and sick, a few years ago, I knew I
had somehow taken an off-course path and needed to get back on
track. How would I do that? I started with prayer. I asked for clarity
and insight to help me envision what I wanted for myself and for
those around me. I needed to feel better so I could be better and do
better. I got an answer. Call it an angel or intuition, but my prayers
were answered.
That call for help gave me the answers and provided me with EVERYTHING I
needed to know about my current situation and a new business venture that would
change the face of healthcare. I was so moved and compelled that the next day I started
my journey creating Canada’s first Holistic Healthcare System.
‘Your Holistic Earth’ is the first direct link between the public and health care providers
in the field of alternative health, providing help to both the provider and the seeker.
We have two branches: a public branch providing savings programs, fundraising,
health match, educational resources and more; and, a health partner branch providing
membership, networking, expert speaking opportunities, advertising and more. Not
only does this model help those seeking to feel better, be better and do better it also
assists holistic health providers to achieve this goal.
We have discovered new innovative ways to streamline accessibility and affordability to
this type of care so that the quality of life we aim for can come closer to being a reality.
This model is far more than an organization. It is about the movement into a more
preventive self-care approach to health. It is about reducing unnecessary suffering. It
is about being proactive versus reactive. When I hear stats that my own children will
NOT outlive me…that’s a big deal. We desperately need the paradigm shift that a
business like ‘Your Holistic Earth’ works to provide.
I don’t just feel better, I AM better and as a result I can do better and have a more
profound impact on those around me. By honouring the model I have created, I am
living proof that this movement into preventive healthcare is achievable.
How about you? What choices are you making to help you feel better, be better and
do better? Are you taking care of you? What do you need to live your best life? What
legacy do you want to leave behind?
Your Holistic Earth Inc.
Phone 780-619-7209
[email protected]
Twitter @urholisticearth