Debra Couwenberg
WhiskerTorium - Innovative Pet Memorials
Unique. Original. A Legacy of Your Love.
Countless among us have fallen under the irresistible spell of “pet love”.
There’s nothing more life-affirming than the unconditional devotion our
beloved animals provide. Whether intuitively sensing our need for comfort
or happily helping us celebrate our joys, our pets support and delight us,
asking nothing in return but sustenance and affection.
This mutually rewarding relationship, uniting humans with animals, is age-old. Mary, Queen
of Scots, confronted execution with her little dog, Geddon, hidden in her dress for emotional
support. He protected her valiantly, reportedly biting one detractor, before ultimately pining
away mourning his mistress.
Every animal lover considers their pet as much a “family” member as their closest relatives and,
sometimes, the more preferable company. Considering the deep bond of loyalty and trust we
develop with our pets, it’s no wonder their inevitable passing rocks us to the core.
Debra Couwenberg, creator of WhiskerTorium Innovative Pet Memorials, still recalls her own
heartbreaking experience. “She died in my arms, Diva, my beautiful kitty. I was totally devastated!
When the veterinarian said he’d ‘dispose’ of her, I couldn’t bear it. I wanted her ashes saved as a
remembrance, just like one does for all loved ones, but not in a typical cremation urn. No way.”
The decision to fittingly remember her dear Diva motivated Debra to revolutionize the
status quo. Surely, others shared her conviction that the life of a treasured pet deserves to be
appropriately celebrated! Thus WhiskerTorium was born, an enterprise inspired by “pet love’,
providing unique, exquisite artworks designed to preserve your cherished pet’s cremains,
commemorating their memory while enhancing your personal space.
“So many approach me all excited over this alternative to what they’ve been doing, keeping ‘Blackie’
in a shoe box under the bed. Pet lovers are thrilled, because most people don’t like urns. They say
‘death’, immediately triggering depression and sadness. A pet as amazing as yours should be joyously
honoured, their memory living on through that WhiskerTorium especially chosen for them at a
Legacy of Love preplanning consultation.”
From breathtakingly beautiful blown-glass receptacles, spirit orbs, and infinity hearts, to
decorative garden stones, and personalized oil paintings immortalizing your pet’s ashes within,
these inventive memorials are all so compelling that Debra, responding to repeated requests, is
launching an exclusive line memorializing our departed human family members as well.
Your pets live for you, devoted to you, offering non-judgmental companionship and absolute
adoration, along with delicate nose touches and enthusiastic, slobbery kisses.
When they finally leave your side to leave this world…
Treasure The Memory
of Their Life for The Rest of Yours.
Phone 780-690-1991
[email protected]