Andrea Bailey-Brown
Your Career is Your Life
In the past year, I have been working on completing my MBA. I
have learnt that business is moving at a fast pace and it’s up to us
to stay educated and informed. Life-long learning is crucial to our
growth and we must make an effort to improve ourselves. It may not
necessarily be an MBA, but taking a night class in an area of interest
is a great place to start. Networking is also vital in the process.
Making connections with people outside of your industry gives you
the opportunity to grow and learn from other people, plus it gives
you the chance to see things in a new way. Doing so will help you to
solve problems more creatively.
The biggest challenge for the next generation of women is to be prepared to be able
to move into the technology sector, where many of the opportunities lie. Having
more women involved in computer science and coding will put them in a position to
capitalize on the opportunities that are available. The second challenge for the next
generation is pay equity. Women are still not being seen as equals; therefore they are
not being paid as equals.
When looking to plan a career, it is important to see your career as a business and
you are its CEO. Approaching your career from this perspective will help you to
find meaningful work and a career you love, instead of trying to keep a job. This is
why I believe entrepreneurism is a great option because often you start from a place
of passion and interest, which makes it easier to love what you are doing. If you are
taking a job to gain experience, or make money in the short term, that is a good place
to start, as long as you have a long-term plan.
Be clear about your goals and be intentional about what you would like to accomplish.
Take baby steps along the way to achieve your goals. Stop making excuses and start
creating solutions. Surrounding yourself with supportive people who will champion
your skills and guide you in the right direction is vital. Be authentic with yourself and
what you really want to accomplish, even if it makes no sense to the people around
you. Living an authentic life is the first step in creating a life that you love.
As Paulo Coelho said, “Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes
you happy.”
Bailey Brown Business Consulting &
Jiffy Lube-Edmonton & Beaumont
Jiffy-Business: 780-444-3965
Bailey Brown Consulting:
Cell: 780-994-7065
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: baileybconsulting
Twitter: baileybconsulting