WOAHSTORK EXPO EDITION December 2016 | Page 13

The industry is clearly taking on a new face — moving into the mainstream . You ’ re an example of that . You ’ ve gone from The Stoner ’ s Cookbook to Herb . co . Can you speak on how your evolution is tied to a movement in the industry as a whole ?
Our mission at HERB is to end the war on drugs , which we view as a war on human consciousness . There are people being locked up for carrying a plant in their pocket that we know has medical value .
In order to support this movement and smash the stigma around cannabis , we felt it was time to evolve the brand . HERB is the embodiment of our mission and goal for this industry . We want to provide cannabis enthusiasts with trustworthy and reliable content and products .
Since the rebrand from The Stoner ’ s Cookbook to HERB we ’ ve seen massive growth in our community . We currently have 7M fans on Facebook .
Regardless of the brand change , you and Herb . co are some of the most charismatic and humorous faces in the cannabis industry . What are some of the funniest pieces of news , memes , phrases , and / or pictures that have come your way ? What are you most proud of producing yourself ?
Our video “ Waiting for your food while high ” was produced by Ryan , our soical media manager at HERB .
Ryan is an incredible content creator and is unbelievably funny . The above video was one of our most popular videos ever and he created it !
It ’ s definitely worth a watch . The video has over 15M views , 126K likes , and 66K comments . The stats are insane !
What ’ s shaping up to be your largest revenue generator for HERB ?
At HERB we ’ re incredibly focused on native video at the moment . We ’ re currently pushing over 240M video views a month ( a number so big we can ’ t ignore it ). We want to provide people with the most compelling , engaging and entertaining content around cannabis and help change the perception of this remarkable plant .
In 10 years I see HERB an international leader in the cannabis industry . I see HERB as a voice for patients and cannabis enthusiasts . I see HERB unlocking the potential of cannabis and ending this war on human consciousness .
What are you most excited about for the future of cannabis aside from legalization ?
I ’ m most excited for more research to go into the medical benefits of cannabis . I believe cannabis has enormous potential and I beleieve that this potential has yet to be unlocked . I ’ m optimistic that with more research into cannabinoids , terpenes , and the different benefits of cannabis we will see some major breakthroughs in medicine .
We ’ re all about mapping strains to experiences here at WoahStork . With that , do you use any particular strain of cannabis when trying to generate content for the site ? Do you use different strains to boost the creative process for
dispenser that combines my stash in different dosages to give me the exact effect I want .
I ’ d love a nanobot that would calibrate what specific cannabinoids my body requires and automatically secrete those specific cannabinoids into my system so that my body is always in perfect harmony .
humorous vs . non-humorous content ?
I love medicating with sativas to enhance my creative process and productivity . One of my favourite strains to induce this flow state ( an optimal state for hyper-productivity ) is Sour Diesel .
If you could have one device or app crafted for the cannabis industry , what would that be ? Mine would be to have an in-home strain

For those interested in learning more about HERB , be sure to visit :

herb . co instagram . com / herb facebook . com / TheStonersCookbook

Find the perfect product and order online . www . WoahStork . com 13