WNY Family Magazine July 2019 | Page 43

CONCUSSION continued... Finally, consider delaying expo- sure to high-contact game play. Recent research suggests that the age at which contact sports begin can affect the life- long risk for CTE; exposure to head im- pacts before age 12 is associated with more negative outcomes than impacts that occur later on. “Rules are being explored to reduce exposure to contact, like eliminating kickoffs for ages 5-10 in youth football, and raising the age of first contact ex- posure, which would mean no ‘heading’ in soccer for players age 10 and under,” sayd Browd. “This is an area of active research nationally,” notes Browd, a father of two. “We all want the same thing… healthy, safe and active kids.” It’s As Easy As Therapeutics! Malia Jacobson is a nationally published health journalist and author of “Ready, Set, Sleep: 50 Ways to Help Your Child Sleep, So You Can Sleep Too.” COMING IN AUGUST Does your business encourage kids and adults to Get Fit & Stay Active? • Dance • Gymnastics • Fitness • Martial Arts • Wellness & Nutrition Help with Motor Development Help with Sensory Skills Help with Handwriting Increase your Fall enrollment! Promote your business to over 60,000 print & digital readers for as little as the price of a month’s tuition for a single student. Call your ad rep directory or call 836-3486 x104 716.580.3040 Help with Social Skills Support & Education for Parents 11390 Transit Road., East Amherst | www.abctherapeutics.com July 2019 WNY Family 43