WNY Family Magazine July 2019 | Page 32

One In Four Parents Are Concerned About Their Child’s Ability to Communicate Most Don’t Recognize the Majority of Warning Signs of Communication Disorders O ne quarter of U.S. parents of children ages 0–8 have had concerns about their child’s ability to communicate, accord- ing to poll results released in May 2019 by the American Speech-Language- Hearing Association (ASHA.org) for national Better Hearing & Speech Month. At the same time, parents who were polled overwhelmingly agree that speech, language, and hearing develop- mental milestones are among the most important in life. Commissioned by ASHA and con- ducted this spring by YouGov, this na- tionally representative poll of more than 1,100 parents revealed perceptions of communication and communication disorders among the most populous ra- cial and ethnic groups — White, Black or African American, and Hispanic households. Most common among par- ents were concerns about speech devel- opment, followed by language concerns and then hearing-related worries. Besides parents’ concerns about their children’s ability to communi- cate, the poll revealed the actions that parents took. Seventy-three percent of all parents who had concerns sought treatment, with 8 in 10 of those report- ing that they perceived “a great deal” or “a good amount” of improvement after treatment. Speech-language patholo- gists headed the list of professionals that parents sought help from for their chil- dren’s speech and language issues; for hearing problems, pediatricians were the most commonly consulted, followed closely by audiologists. “While it is encouraging that par- 32 WNY Family July 2019 ents across the board reported that they often seek help from our professionals and see their children’s communica- tion health improve significantly with treatment, the polling also found that more than one quarter of parents with concerns hadn’t sought treatment. This is far too many when it comes to com- munication health, something parents themselves strongly agreed is impor- tant to their children’s well-being. Since communication disorders are highly treatable, this is an especially unfortu- nate missed opportunity for those chil- dren.” According to the poll results, the top reasons parents gave for not seeking treatment were uncertainty about where to get treatment; pediatricians telling them that their children would grow out of the problem; a child’s school or teacher saying there wasn’t a problem; parents thinking that the concern didn’t seem like a big deal; and parents not knowing where to start or who to con- tact. In addition, whether parents had concerns or not, the polling suggests that too many families are in the dark about communication disorders and are not doing all that they can to foster the development of their children’s commu- nication skills. Just 23% of parents were able to correctly identify 75% or more of the signs of communication disorders pro- vided in the survey. And just 5% were able to correctly identify all the signs of communication disorders provided. In terms of fostering the develop- ment of communication skills, 9 in 10 respondents correctly identified activi- ties that have a positive impact on com- munication skills, such as talking/having verbal interactions with others and being read to by family members. However, in practice, only 46% said that their chil- dren are read to 5–7 days a week. More than half of all parents said that not enough information about com- munication disorders is available. Four in 10 received information from their child’s pediatrician, and nearly as many (35%) report receiving information from media sources. Compared with White families, more Black or African Ameri- can and Hispanic families report receiv- ing information via media sources. According to ASHA President Rob- ertson, “It is incumbent on us to keep spreading the word to as many commu- nities as we can — to build the informa- tion and education flow about ways to foster a child’s communication develop- ment, as well as be informed about the signs of communication disorders and the availability of effective treatment. “Our polling also showed that some parents may not fully trust their own in- stincts — less than half (42%) strongly agreed that they know their child and their child’s needs the best. I would en- courage them to trust themselves more and get professional help right away if they sense something is wrong. Early in- tervention is absolutely key.” As provided by the ASHA website http://IdentifytheSigns.org, you will find below the signs of various types of com- munication disorders in children and what you, as a parent, can do if you sus- pect there is a problem: