WM Worship Team Buyer's Guide 2022 | Page 68

in that way . I just try to be present wherever I ’ m playing . When I can connect musically with whoever I ’ m playing , it ’ s the best way to experience the worth of music in my opinion . I ’ m inspired by any music that stirs emotion in me . Sometimes it ’ s a lyric , sometimes instrumental . I believe it ’ s much more complex than a style / genre of music that stirs us .
[ WM ] Any percussion gear endorsements for you ?
[ Todd ] I ’ ve been with ProMark Drumsticks and Aquarian Drumheads for many years . I am not officially with any drum or cymbal companies exclusively right now . The cymbals I really dig are Amedia , Bosphorous , Istanbul Agop , and Paiste companies . Very musical and versatile . I love vintage drums , Rogers , Slingerland . Gretsch , and Ludwig . In my opinion , A & F Drum Co . is the best of both worlds , modern and
68 BUYER ’ S GUIDE August 2022 WT Subscribe to [ WM ] for Free ...