WM Worship Team Buyer's Guide 2022 | Page 63

[ WM ] Advice for BGV vocalists ?
[ Debi ] The question I ’ m asked most frequently is , “ How do I get into session work ?” There ’ s no simple answer for that except to say RELATIONSHIPS . All the sessions I do have come from being in relationship with people – not from “ networking ”. People in Nashville don ’ t like that approach and it will actually discourage them from hiring you . Seek to develop relationships with like-minded people and pray that God opens the doors He wants for you . If it ’ s His will for you to do vocal sessions , He will do it ! I encourage people to sing wherever and whenever you have an opportunity . For those just starting out , sing for free if necessary . through ?
[ Debi ] I just bought a Slate digital mic and I LOVE IT ! I ’ m still learning about all the high-end tube mics it mimics , but it ’ s hands down the best one I ’ ve ever owned . I highly recommend it .
[ WM ] In-ears ? What brand / model ?
[ Debi ] I recently upgraded my Alclair custom in-ear monitors from the CMVK Five Driver to the new Spire Six Driver and they are amazing . The extra mid-range creates a ton of headroom and they ’ re great for singers . I love them !
[ WM ] If you play guitar or keys tell us what brand / models you have .
[ Debi ] I don ’ t own a keyboard right now , but
I just purchased a Nord Stage 3 for our church and am thinking about buying one for my own personal use . It ’ s an amazing keyboard and is a favorite of all our players .
[ WM ] Words of encouragement or advice for other worship leaders do you have ?
[ Debi ] In the busyness of life , family , work and ministry , don ’ t neglect personal alone time with the Lord . It ’ s the well you draw from and if you don ’ t consistently fill that up , you ’ ll find you ’ re struggling when you need to pour out into your worship teams and church body . Getting alone with God and seeking His heart for you and for the people He ’ s given you to serve will always be returned with refreshment and vision for what He ’ s already doing and how you can join Him in it .
For people already doing studio work , here are some things that are the golden rules known by all professional singers :
• Be the kind of person you ’ d want to hire ( a good “ hang ”). Be agreeable , respectful of the producers and artists and respond to requests without an attitude . Who you are is just as important as what you offer vocally .
• Be on time ! Actually , if you ’ re just on time , you ’ re late … so what I really mean is , be a few minutes early so you ’ re standing at the mic , ready to sing right at the start time .
• Come already warmed up and ready to sing .
• Respect the producer , artist , writer and be willing to do what they ’ re asking for .
• Keep talking and opinions to a minimum . However , if you ’ re asked to bring something creatively to the session , don ’ t be afraid to suggest something . Even if it ’ s not ultimately used , producers and artists often welcome suggestions from seasoned studio singers .
• Don ’ t wear perfume or products with strong scents . And no jangly jewelry .
• Pray . I always pray before every session that God would help keep my voice strong and that I ’ d give the client exactly what they need . This is more important than anything on this list !
BUYER ’ S GUIDE August 2022 WT Subscribe to [ WM ] for Free ... 63