WM Worship Team Buyer's Guide 2022 | Page 49

moment will flow into a song if he feels it . I love that our band is there to facilitate that .
[ WM ] Words of encouragement or advice for other worship keys players ?
[ William ] I love that you have taken an interest in worship . From the last twenty years of experience , my advice to you is as follows : Keep God first in everything that you do . Learn to listen to all that ’ s around you ; study every genre , style , and trend . At the same time , go back to some of the classics such as hymns . On top of the excellent lyrical content , hymns ’ chord structures and harmonies will elevate your playing . Learn to play in every key . You will always be able to flow with changes or in the case other worship leaders or singing ministers who come to visit your church . In terms of music , be the first one there and the last to leave . Know your part better than anyone else knows their own .
The next step would be to know the rest of the band ’ s parts as well . Learn to understand arrangements — know the harmony ( chord structure ), lyrics , groove , bpm , etc . The key is to know where in the band you fit in and what your role is . One simple way to learn this is by experimenting with all sorts of keyboards ; grand pianos , uprights , synthesizers , organs , Rhodes , harpsichords , Celestes , etc . This will give you a great understanding of the frequency space your preferred instrument operates in and you learn to use that .
When it comes to how busy your playing should be , play what the song requires . Finally , as keyboardists we get to set the mood for the entire worship service . Film music does this best . I would advise keys players to explore and take notice of how these composers invoke what is absolutely necessary . Apply that sensibility for the moments during alter call or whatever your churches do for ministry time .
KEYBOARDS Yamaha C7X Yamaha B2 Baldwin Acrosonic Spinet Yamaha Motif ES Roland Fantom X8 & G8 Roland JDXA Access Virus TI Desktop Moog Slim Phatty Akai MPK Mini MIDI controller
VOCAL MIC Avantone C12
COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Laptop : Apple MacBook Pro Software : Logic & Abelton Other gear : Apollo8 interface
IN-EARS Sensaphonics
BUYER ’ S GUIDE August 2022 WT Subscribe to [ WM ] for Free ... 49