WM Worship Team Buyer's Guide 2022 | Page 48

Africa , Integrity ’ s iWorship : No Boundaries and Jesús Adrián Romero : De Hombre a Hombres .
[ WM ] Outline your ‘ live rig ’ on stage for us . Keyboards , software , tracks you use … basically everything .
[ William ] I prefer playing on acoustic pianos . My main keys rig consists of a Yamaha Silent Piano . We have both a C7X and a B2 ( upright ). Both have MIDI capabilities and via USB it goes to a Mac Mini with various VSTs . I use Logic as the engine to run those VSTs . My audio interface is an Apollo Twin . The VSTs I use are Keyscape and Ivory2 . I also have Omnisphere , Serum , Native Instruments Komplete , and Hybrid for any additional sounds .
I also operate the stem playback rig on Ableton Live 11 . That is a system of two Mac mini ’ s running simultaneously for redundancy . The interface is an iConnectivity 12 , and an Akai MPD2 for triggering . All three Mac Mini ’ s are
KVM linked . In other words , I can use one keyboard , one mouse , and one monitor for all three computers . I toggle through them via a custom key command . We also use Dropbox for all file sharing and allocation . Both the primary and the redundant rigs have my Dropbox account and they sync in real-time . They are hard-wired to a restricted network only used by exclusive members of our production team . I love this system because I never find myself waiting on downloads , uploads , nor a need to plug in external hard drives . Everything lives in a rack next to my piano .
Lastly , as a MD or band leader , I use a Shure SM57 for all my cues .
[ WM ] Do you or Lakewood have any gear endorsements ?
[ William ] Yamaha has been very good to us . It ’ s not exactly an endorsement , but they did lend us a C7 for a while . Also , Synthogy did endorse us for a while .
[ WM ] At Lakewood you have a unique perspective of serving both an English and Spanish speaking congregation each week . Tell us about that ?
[ William ] Both congregations are very unique , and it ’ s amazing to facilitate the style of worship for each of them . There ’ s no doubt that our band guys have to be well versed in multiple genres . At times , we do similar set list with small modifications . For example , in the English service a particular song may be led by a male and for the Spanish service it ’ ll be the same song led by a female . We then will change keys to facilitate that . Also , we do try to incorporate the different genres of Latin music in the Spanish service . Lastly , our English service is structured and planned well in advance . Our Spanish service has a lot more moments of free flowing due to the fact that our Spanish pastor has a musical background . He at any given
48 BUYER ’ S GUIDE August 2022 WT Subscribe to [ WM ] for Free ...