WM Worship Team Buyer's Guide 2022 | Page 27

be a bit more challenging . Fortunately , the Keeley company is only three hours away from where I live in Texas , so we were able to do all the R & D together which really was essential for this project . We probably had at least 9 -10 sessions of hard-core listening , tweaking and comparing . It had to beat what I was using , or it wasn ’ t going on the board . Obviously , we got there … and then some ! It really has exceeding my expectations and it truly is the echo pedal of my dreams . I admit the I did it for completely selfish reasons : it ’ s the pedal I want ! That said , I ’ m completely blown away by how well the pedal has been received .
[ WM ] When you use the Halo , are you at the point where you just use the presets and tap tempo ( including the Halo one that comes stock on the pedal ) and if not , which controls do you find yourself tweaking most when crafting the perfect delay for a part or song ?
[ Andy ] I essentially leave it on the Halo setting all night with an expression pedal connected to adjust effect level . I ’ ll have a nice slapback echo set up as the “ B ” of that preset that I ’ ll maybe use once or twice a night .
I ’ ll maybe also use a single dotted eighth delay preset on occasion . The beauty of the
Halo pedal is that it is deeply tweak-able to create exactly the type of echo you ’ re looking for . It comes programmed with my exact sounds , but I ’ m seeing so many great videos of players making it their echo pedal . It ’ s truly an honor to have created something so cool with the amazing Keeley folks . We definitely plan on working together on many more projects together !
Keeley HALO - Andy Timmons Dual Delay Pedal $ 299 MAP RKFX . com
BUYER ’ S GUIDE August 2022 WT Subscribe to [ WM ] for Free ... 27