WM Worship Team Buyer's Guide 2022 | Page 26

Deluxe Memory Man and then the Strymon TimeLine to get your Halo on . What about this pedal separates it from those that came before ?
[ Andy ] It ’ s basically combining what I love about great tape echoes ( particularly the Maestro EP-3 ) and the Electro Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man . I began using the EP-s on the Resolution record and would replicate that sound the best I could with the DMMs . Those sounded great , but were pretty volatile and always breaking down , so when the Timeline came along , I spent a great deal of time getting that to sound as close as I could to the 2 DMMs . I always referred to it as “ 90 %”. The ( Strymon ) TimeLine is a killer unit , but it does 1,000s of things and I was really only using 2 sounds . That ’ s when I decided to see if I could find someone to collaborate with to design my ultimate dual echo pedal . I went to my good friend Daniel Steinhardt from GigRig and That Pedal Show and asked his opinion of who I should approach , and Robert Keeley was the guy he recommended without hesitation . He introduced us and three years later , here we are .
Once Robert and his team got together in a room with me , we caught fire . Keeley freely admits at first , he thought it would be a quick and simple process by modifying one of his existing designs , but quickly realized it would
26 BUYER ’ S GUIDE August 2022 WT Subscribe to [ WM ] for Free ...