WLM | taste
The Chilly Cowgirl
Summer greetings from
WLM | taste
by Patrick Zimmerer , Table Mountain Vineyards & Winery
As summer continues across Wyoming , our grapes are no different than any plant in your garden . The grapes start as small flowers and then slowly develop to full-fledged berries . Wyoming summers are intense – extreme heat , limited moisture and a short growing season are just a few vineyard challenges . As the fruit matures , the berries increase in size , acid and sugar development . In August , the grape clusters will go through a process called veraison ( French , meaning the onset of ripening ) where the grapes will begin to turn soft , increase in sugar content , change colors , and lastly start to reduce in acid content . Harvest begins at the moment where the sugar levels increase , and the acid levels decrease .
While we love the heat in the vineyards for ripening and development , our wines are a different story . Summer is a challenging time to enjoy wines once the temperature rises . Often times either wines aren ’ t chilled enough , or the heat keeps the wine from their optimum coolness . You can add ice , but it melts immediately , leaving you with a watereddown version of your favorite wine . A simple solution is frozen fruit ! Freeze your favorite fruits as ice cubes – leaving your wine the benefits of fruit infusion without a watered-down sip ! While you can mix and match any fruit and wine , here ’ s a few perfect pairings to get you started .
Sweet & Bubbly + Strawberries – Strawberries and sparkling are a perfect combo .
Rose ’ Style Wines + Blackberries / Raspberries – A perfect paring of acid and fruitiness .
The Chilly Cowgirl
Serves 4-6 depending on glass size . 2 Bottles of TMV Cowgirl Red or Cowgirl Blush 1.5 Pints Frozen Raspberries or Strawberries 6-7 medium Peaches , sliced , frozen
Combine 3 / 4 bottle of wine with peaches . Slowly add reserved wine to achieve the right slush or consistency . Pour out slush mixture into pitcher and repeat a second batch with the berries . Layer each glass with the two mixtures for a colorful summer sipper ! Garnish with fruit and serve with a straw .
Dry Whites + Stone Fruits – Peaches , apricots or plums are a hit with a dry white wine .
Sweet Whites + Tropical Fruits – Look for mangos , papayas or pineapple for an island pairing .
Sweet Blush / Rose ’ + Cherries – Cherries make those sweeter wines sing with a cherry zip .
The pairings are endless – just cut up your favorite fruits , freeze and get to sipping ! These instant fruit cubes keep you chill and make the perfect sip for summer !
Cheers !
Patrick Zimmerer is the Owner / CEO and Wyo Wine-O at Large of Table Mountain Vineyards & Winery . TMV & Winery is Wyoming ’ s first and largest winery , producing 100 % Wyo-grown wines from Patrick ’ s farm to your table in the not-so-big Huntley , Wyo . Learn more at wyowine . com or search Wyo Wine on your favorite social media site .
24 Wyoming Lifestyle Magazine | Summer 2018