| people
leadership by competing in projects in- to be holds steadfast in Wyoming. Just
volving beef production, market steers, this year, members of the Wyoming FFA
welding and woodworking.
established a museum tribute to agriculture in Wyoming, honoring the legacy of
Living a lifestyle which few can dream, Wyoming’s opportunities and pride.
this president matches his walk with
his talk. He runs his own herd of cows For Quade and other FFA members,
whenever not roaming the back country walking the fence line and riding the
of Wyoming or galloping to Washington range allows for star gazing to remain
D.C. addressing FFA business. As is the within grasp.
desire of his fellow members, Quade is
able to not only work his family ranch Preserving the West ideas may be forbut also enroll in school. At Casper Col- warded to Wyoming FFA State President
lege, Quade continues to build the agri- Quade Palm at [email protected]
cultural legacy of his dreams by pursu- or contact the FFA State Advisor, Stacy
Broda, at 307-630-6094. W L M
ing a degree in Animal Science.
What America once was or still wants
Wyoming Lifestyle Magazine | Fall 2014
Visit www.wyomingffa.org.
FFA Motto
Learning to Do, Doing to Learn,
Earning to Live, Living to Serve
g Wyoming has 51 FFA chapters in
cities and towns all across
g Wyoming has 2490 FFA members.
g Wyoming’s State FFA Convention is
the largest youth convention
in Wyoming with approximately
1200 members present.