WKWSCI Comma 2013 | Page 38

Exam Welfare Packs Words by Ayesha Mirzha, Photos by Matthew Ng Sub-Committee Members: Looi Jiemin, Derek Chan, Ho Xiu Xian, Agnes Goh and Tiffany Goh Every single item in the Exam Welfare Packs has been a joy to receive, especially during the tough examination period. It’s no wonder one of the highlights of my school life is the bi-annual distribution of the Exam Welfare Packs by the 20th CI Club. In the past academic year, we received a multitude of items ranging from food items (yummy Cadbury chocolate, anyone?) to beauty products (shampoo, masks, face cleansers – you name it, we’ve got it) and even practical items like bags and pouches. The best part about these packs is that they’re completely free! I’d like to thank the CI Club for this initiative, and of course our sponsors, without whom this could not have been possible. We’re looking forward to the next Exam Welfare Pack already! 38