WKWSCI Comma 2013 | Page 18

Game On, WKW! Words By Tan Yang Er, Photos by Matthew Ng & Cherie Yeo “Wait, what do you mean by ‘we run and jump and get the ball to bounce off the net’?” “We FALL ON OUR KNEES to get rebounds?!” “No interceptions allowed... hold on, how do we score again?” “Our last man is here!!!” That was literally the scene for Team Wee Kim Wee (WKW) during the Tchoukball competition at the Inter-School Games 2012/2013 (ISG) earlier this year. And 18 on that very same day, we emerged as silver medalists - much to our own surprise. Not without an ounce of uncertainty, we counted ourselves lucky to just be on the brink of hopelessness. After all, Tchoukball was a new sport to everyone, and seniors from WKW were called down just the night before so as to avoid a walkover. Well... being there is better than nothing right? But then again, these are WKW students we are talking about. We do not settle for less, and following Ben & Jerry’s motto: ‘If it’s not fun, why do it?’ (Of course the ice-cream is what really what bonds us all.) After picking up the rules right there and then during the first match of the day, we got our heads in the game. Round after round, we grew steadily in confidence and chemistry as a team. It even came to a point where the spectators started rooting for us because who doesn’t love a good underdog story? However we stood grounded and reminded each other that complacency was not a solid foundation for greatness. Honestly speaking, what happened in finals against team Nanyang Business School (NBS) remains a blur. All that we were certain of were the high-fives that were exchanged