New Pet Of The Week
Remember, the pets featured in this section are not real, just ideas.
Now, we all know there are a lot of creatures from around the spiral that we would like as pets. But, wouldn't it be cool to have certain plants as pets? Who wouldn't love little Baby Carrot pets hopping by as you walk? A Dandelion hopping as you quest would be pretty cool wouldn't it? We would love to see a lot of different seeds as pets, how do you feel about this? Leave feedback on this idea!
Pet of the Week
Today, we have the Traveller as our pet of the week. It takes 21 hours to hatch and its parents are the Orthrus and Satyr. It looks like the Treasure Card Legendary Treant with its blue bracelets and one eye, but its overall shape is like the pets Firewalker, Death Treant, Treant, and Woodland Haunter. The Traveller is a life pet, so it likes life snacks. Its a healthy eater because it also likes vegetables. Learn more about the travelling treant here.