Wishesh Magazine September-2019 Wishesh Magazine September-2019 | Page 78

LIFE STYLE For instance, take the color white and black. Not everyone would be a die-hard fan of white nor would all be a die-hard fan for black, do you agree? So, would you call the color “white” as a color with flaws because it is plain or would you call the color “black” as negative because it is dark? It is all on how you see it, isn’t it? However, both the colors are distinct because of their plus points as well. 78 The same goes with all of us, we cannot change the fact that we are all born and grow up with flaws. The fact that we struggle through the way we see our flaws, as well as the way someone looks at our flaws is the catch here. When you know that a flaw is meant to be there even in someone who seems the most perfect to you, then why crib, feel hurt, lose on your self-esteem or break your head over your flaws. Don’t you think it would be easier on you if you could accept your flaws, smile at them and work over them if required? It is easier said, flaws are beautiful, can it always be perceived that way? how many of us honestly believe in the fact that our flaws are beautiful? Well - It is time to start looking at the good in flaws and celebrate who we really are. It is important to stop cribbing over flaws because WWW.WISHESH.NET | SEPTEMBER 2019 that’s not a way to change things and find the right solution. Stop feeling sad and look at a few tips to stop cribbing about your flaws Tip 1 - Meet Up With Your Reflection The Nice Way Well - This sounds insane to meet your reflection and figure out a way to accept your flaws. You never know after you get deep in knowing yourself you will get clarity as to what is a flaw and not. That said, stand in front of the mirror and have a one on one self talk to know yourself better. This is the time to be true to yourself. Nothing is right or wrong, you have to see to it that you question yourself about what you love and