No 1 - Cobra Pose
The cobra pose is also
known as Bhujangasana.
It is an easy and effective
asana for the back.
Benefits :
--> It is good in bringing the buttocks in shape
--> It makes your spine strong
--> It is good for the abdomen
--> It is strengthening for the shoulders, chest, and lungs
Steps to do :
Step 1 : Roll a mat on the floor and lie down on your stomach
Position - Keep your hands and palms close to your thighs, join your heels
and toes.
Step 2: Place your palms a little above your waist and slowly lift your
upper body.
Position - Lookup, keep your arms straight and only let your pelvic region
and lower body touch the floor.
Step 3: Stretch your back and keep your shoulders firm.
Position - For a minute and slowly come down on the ground to relax.
Precaution :
A pregnant woman, the ones having back injuries and a bad headache must
avoid practicing this asana.