All credit goes to this social activist named
Anshul Saxena who focused on potters ki
Diwali and his post received thousands of
likes and reposts. He made his effort to let
the message spread all over the country.
The main idea of taking up this project was
to emphasize on potters instead of the
Chinese lights.
This initiative worked as there were several
videos and posts on how several people
from all over states like Chattisgarh,
Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and
others conversed with potters.
There was an excellent response to this
post, people purchased several diyas
and responded with their posts. The team
Rotary buzz as well as a great support to
this event.
One of the tweeters posted his idea of
giving these diyas as gifts to each other
instead of sweets so that all the diyas can
be sold and the potters can benefit from it.
Highlights of the response posts
1 . #Potterskidiwali in Sikkim by
Hemanth Khatiwada
2. #Potterskidiwali in Jharkhand by
rapper Aadi
3. #Potterskidiwali in Tripura by
Surabi Murasing
4. #Potterskidiwali in Maharashtra
by Sarvesh Sontakke