Wishesh Magazine February 2020 Wishesh Magazine February 2020 | Page 95

The other reason for Buddhism to disappear was- the the Buddhist monks became wealthy. They also employed servants and also hired paid labourers to look after them. Up on all this, a group of Muslims invaded the Buddhists monasteries. Even after the decline of Buddhism in India, Ashoka Chakravarthy Maharaj believed in Buddhism. The king was influenced by the teachings of Buddha and also implemented them in his kingdom. He always practiced and made the rules of truthfulness, honesty, compassion, mercy, no injury to animals. Also some great leaders like Swami Vivekananda, A.R. Ambedkar. Swami Vivekananda said- Buddhism is fulfillment of Hinduism”. Ambedkar converted to Buddhism and rejected Hinduism. It was a crucial step he took and it was a fight against caste system. Converting to Buddhism was the beginning and sensible protest for equality of dalit community. He felt that Hinduism failed at showing equality and human right for his people. As Buddhism says everyone is equal, Ambedkar took the decision to free the untouchables from the ill treatment, inferiority in the society. We find Buddhism is less in India but injected with the values and teachings which live forever. The core values that took birth from Buddhism are a reason for peace and non violence across India. We can say that the religion did unfading good before it got declined. FEBRUARY 2020 | WWW.WISHESH.NET