Wishesh Magazine February 2020 Wishesh Magazine February 2020 | Page 51
recorded in the state of Kerala.
The patients have been
quarantined and the necessary
medication and the treatment
is being provided and the
family members of the patients
are also being screened in
order to rule out the chance
of the coronavirus being
transmitted from one person to
Hong Kong have already started
being scanned by the Indian
government and it has also been
expanded to the travellers from
Thailand as well as Singapore.
The Indian Embassy in Beijing
has left a window open in
case of emergency and for the
important travellers from China
to India and therefore the flights
have not been suspended.
The citizens of India who have
been evacuated were asked to
get a complete health checkup
done before boarding the flight
and that they would have to
be quarantined for around two
weeks in special camps.
The cases of the coronavirus
is being increased with every
passing day and the number of
cases that have been confirmed
in India are three and further
investigation and screening is
being done in order to identify
the patients and provide
necessary treatment under
The three cases that have
been confirmed in India were
recorded in Kerala and the
patients have been identified
as the students of the medical
college in Wuhan which is
the city in China and which
has been the epicenter of
the deadly coronavirus. The
patients have been identified
as the students who have
come to India from the
People’s Republic of China.
The government of Kerala
has taken serious measures
in controlling the virus from
being spread. The government
of Kerala has initiated to
set up isolation centers in
all the hospitals including
all the government as well
as the private hospitals in
the state and to conduct
seminars and discussions at
all the schools and creating
awareness among the children
and the people of the state
regarding the dangerous
novel coronavirus and the
precautionary measures that
can be taken in order to stay
safe from being affected by the
virus which has taken several
lives around the world.
The World Health Organization
and the United Nations health
agency have declared an
international emergency
regarding the coronavirus
and have also identified the
coronavirus as a zoonotic
virus. Zoonotic is a term that
The first case of India has
is used to describe a virus
been recorded from Thrissur
in Kerala where as the second that gets transmitted from the
animals to the human beings
case has been recorded in
and would later on spread from
Alappuzha in Kerala and
one human being to another.
the third case has also been