Wishesh Magazine August-2019 Wishesh Magazine August-2019 | Page 37

8. Get Rid Of Dandruff: Yeah it is true apple cinder vinegar plays an important role to get rid of dandruff. It get rid of persistent flakes,itchiness, and irritation. The apple cinder vinegar alter the scalp’s ph which it makes the harder for the yeast. When you use the apple cinder vinegar use it in small amount and make sure you avoid it in falling in your eyes as it damage kids due to the presence of the acidic content. 9. Stop Itchy Bug Bites and Stings: The apple cider vinegar can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, along with several other heart disease risk factors. It also reduce the level of blood pressure in human. The apple cider vinegar lower the blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity and help fight diabetes. These factors should also lead to reduced risk of heart disease. 6. May Have Protective Effects Against Cancer: Cancer is all about the uncontrolled growth cells. It is proved that the apple cinder vinegar can kill the cancer cell and shrink the tumor. The consumption of vinegar decreased the esophageal cancer in China and increased the bladder cancer in Serbia. 7. It is rich in antimicrobial properties: As we all know that the apple cinder vinegar has the antibacterial and anti fungal properties. The apple cinder vinegar effective in treating Candida albicans fungus and Escherichia coli, which can cause severe intestinal infections,as well as Staphylococcus aureus. Any kind of the bite such as mosquito bites, poison ivy, or jellyfish stings apple cinder vinegar works a great. The best part bif the apple cinder vinegar is that it helps a lot in itching and irritation of the skin. 10. Swap Out Your Deodorant; It is believed that the apple cider vinegar solution act as an neutralize odor that leads to causing armpit bacteria. The cotton pads, towelettes, or cotton rags are lightly spritzed with a very weak solution and swiped onto the armpits. The vinegar smell should dissipate as it dries.It’s a good idea to test the apple cider vinegar solution in a smaller area first and to avoid using it if you’re wearing delicate fibers, like silk. It’s filled with raw enzymes and beneficial bacteria from the fermentation process and it has amazing effects on health.Apple cinder vinegar is in list of natural healthy community. I hope this article has given you a good knowledge about the benefits of apple cinder vinegar. AUGUST 2019 | WWW.WISHESH.NET