Wirral Life Issue 69 | Page 14

On Saturday 27th May , at the Liverpool Philharmonic , The Battle of the Atlantic Memorial Charity will be in concert with His Majesty ’ s Royal Marine Band Scotland .
It is five years since the Royal Marines last visit and this will be a moving concert to commemorate the turning point of the longest and most strategically important battle of the Second World War , The Battle of the Atlantic .
The sacrifices made by sailors , airmen , dock workers and civilians will be remembered and where more appropriate to commemorate than in the port city of Liverpool at the Philharmonic Hall .
Britain was at war with Germany for 2,075 days between 3rd September 1939 and 8th May 1945 . The Battle of the Atlantic lasted for 2073 days . From the sinking of the Athenia , sunk without warning off the North west of Ireland on the first evening of WW11 until U881 which was hounded down by a destroyer to the East of Newfoundland , less than 48 hours before Germany ’ s unconditional surrender .
Total war demanded total commitment from the population , every family was involved in one aspect or another , if members were not in the Armed Forces , the Merchant Navy or the administrative services , then they were producing war materials , providing fuel or food or engaged in transportation . Rationing and “ home front ” war on waste meant that no one went hungry or unclothed and all but a few accepted the loss of quality of life as a part of the cost of freedom .
Ahead of the concert , Wirral Life spoke to West Kirby resident , Denis Rose , the last Signaller from the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve who took part in the Battle of the Atlantic . Denis has a great sense of humour like all sailors have . When we first met him he said to say his first name ( Denis ) quickly as it only has one N !
Denis joined the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve as in “ those days ” you had to go into one of the services and if you did not make a choice you went into the Army , which he didn ’ t want to do as people in the Army ‘ got shot !’
Merchant Navy ships were tasked with carrying the goods and Royal Navy ’ s role was to protect the cargo ships . Obviously , there were not enough Royal Navy ships to protect each Merchant Navy ship so they were grouped into convoys with naval escorts , making them hard to find and difficult to attack . Denis , although Royal Navy , was posted onto a Merchant Navy ship along with the Convoy Commodore and Denis went wherever the vessel / Commodore was going . Whatever the signal ( message ) was given , Denis had to ' transmit by coded flags .'
Tickets are now on sale for the fundraising concert . Attendees can expect some surprises at the event . Danielle Thomas , a young mezzo-soprano from Liverpool will be taking part along with Charlie Hedger , 18 , an excellent musician and the Great-Great Grandson of ' Captain Jonnie Walker ' of the U boat fame .
Event organisers are hoping to have as many Battle of the Atlantic survivors attend the concert .
Please come and support this event as without these people in the Battle of the Atlantic we would not be here .
Ticket Information : His Majesty ’ s Royal Marine Band concert . Philharmonic Hall Liverpool Saturday 27th May , 7.30 pm . Tickets from £ 15 . Telephone number : 0151 709 3789
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