Wirral Life December 2021 | Page 68

By SDS Rejuvenate
There is more to weight than just diet and exercise . Nearly two thirds of adults in the UK are estimated to be overweight . But , for something that is so common , it is often misunderstood both by those that experience it and those that don ’ t .
It is a common myth that excess weight is caused by a combination of eating too much and exercising too little , and that people who struggle to maintain a healthy weight just lack willpower . But the fact is its just not that simple . Healthy eating and physical activity are important , but they may not be enough for some people to control their weight . There are many other factors that play a big part ; 40 % to 70 % can be attributed to your genes , appetite signals and hormones that control body functions and behavioural and environment factors such as sleep , stress , medications , and also access to healthy foods .
Common treatments can include healthy eating , increased physical activity , behaviour changes and prescription weight loss medications . If medical intervention is considered appropriate , Dr Sally can prescribe the use of a drug , which necessitates a consultation with her in one of our clinics before you can use this medication .
The drug contains Glucagon-like peptide ( GLP-1 ), which is a naturally occurring hormone released in the gut after eating . Receptors in the brain are activated when GLP-1 is released , letting us know when we are “ full ”. It contains a synthetic copy of GLP-1 , which gives us the sensation of being full , even when you have not eaten .
To assess whether it is appropriate for you to take this drug , a medical history and examination will be undertaken by Dr Sally to ensure you have no contraindications to this treatment . Should the drug be deemed appropriate she will then explain how the drug works , how to administer and explain any potential side effects , you may experience .
You will be supplied with all the necessary equipment at the consultation and a series of appointments will be made so we can monitor your journey and progress You will also be advised on the protocol of dosage , and you will be regularly monitored during the first 16 weeks of treatment .
Using this drug sounds an easy solution . However , it is imperative that dietary advice is followed , and one increases their physical activity on a regular basis . Dr Sally will discuss other options available to you via SDS Rejuvenate MediSpa such as personal trainers , nutritionists and 3dlipo . We aim to provide a holistic approach to helping you achieve weight loss . One must take into consideration this is a prescription only drug which is prescribed for people who have a BMI of 30 or above ( obese ) or 27-30 with comorbidities ( suffering with conditions such as heart disease , arthritis , hypertension , dyslipidaemia , type 2 diabetes ). This is not for someone trying to become a size 6 or 8 to fit into their little black dress for Christmas .
Call the clinic on : West Kirby - 0151 625 8080 or Heswall - 0151 348 4878 .
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