Winter Guide 2023-24 | Page 78

Puppy Training
Basic Training


For the safety of you and your dog , proof of your dog ' s Parvo and DHL shots is required by the first class . A rabies vaccination is required for dogs six months of age and older . All classes are for humans ages 16 and older .
Puppy Training
Help your puppy learn intensive socialization skills plus an introduction to basic cues , leash walking and attention exercises including , sit , down , stay , come will start you and your puppy off on the right paw . We will discuss house training , crate training , handling , mouthing , chewing , and more . Developed for all puppies 8 weeks and up to 5 months old .
Indian Trail Park
M • 6:30-7:30 pm
1 / 15-2 / 26
18 + Yrs
$ 200 /$ 250
Basic Training
This class will help you teach your dog manners and help your dog understand what you expect of them . We will focus on basic manners such as sit , down , stay , come , leash walking and more . For dogs 6 months and up .
Indian Trail Park
M • 7:45-8:45 pm
1 / 15-2 / 26
16 + Yrs
$ 200 /$ 250