Winter Guide 2023-24 | Page 77

Watercolor Painting : Cocktails & Mocktails
Adult Drawing
Spring Watercolor Wreath Workshop
Acrylic Painting
Ring in Spring Ceramics Workshops


Watercolor Painting : Cocktails & Mocktails
Want to have a good time creating some awesome home decor ? Well , why not try out watercolors on paper and paint your favorite cocktail ? Plus , you can enjoy a tasty mocktail while you paint . No worries if you ' re a beginner , because Rhiannon Gurley will be there to guide you .
Park Center
M • 6:30-8:15 pm
2 / 5
21 + Yrs
$ 45 /$ 56
Adult Drawing
Explore the use of pencil , graphite stick , charcoal , conte and ink in this step-bystep program for all levels . Through direct observation and still-life exercises , and drawing from photos , students learn the concepts of line , space , form , value and composition . A supply list may be obtained prior to the start of class from the Supervisor of Visual Arts .
Park Center 2040021-A
W • 1-4 pm
1 / 17-2 / 14
W • 1-4 pm
2 / 21-3 / 20
18 + Yrs
$ 185 /$ 230
Spring Watercolor Wreath Workshop
Learn watercolor techniques to paint delicate blossoms , leaves , and other spring elements and creates your own watercolor floral wreath . Perfect for beginners and experienced artists alike .
Park Center
Tu • 7-8:30 pm
2 / 20
18 + Yrs
$ 30 /$ 38
Acrylic Painting
Learn new techniques or improve your skills in acrylic painting . We ' ll work our way through exercises in value , color , still life and landscape . Blending , brushwork and vocab that are all unique to acrylic painting will all be discussed . A supply list may be obtained upon enrollment .
Park Center 2040023-A
W • 10 am-1 pm
1 / 17-2 / 14
W • 10 am-1 pm
2 / 21-3 / 20
18 + Yrs
$ 185 /$ 230
Ring in Spring Ceramics Workshops
Make you ' re own Portrait Planter in this workshop . You ' ll learn how to capture your image in clay and make a fun and funky planter . Each student will have time to make their planter personal and match their style . Each student will receive some seeds for future growing .
Park Center 2040044-A
Sa • 10 am-12 pm
4 / 20
Sa • 10 am-12 pm
4 / 27
18 + Yrs
$ 28 /$ 35