Winter Guide 2023-24 | Page 50

Tu BiShvat – A Celebration of Trees
U . S . Presidents & their Animals
Leprechaun Gold Hunt
Spring Break Adventurer ' s Club
Winter Scavenger Hunt
What ' s a Winter Solstice ?
Tu BiShvat – A Celebration of Trees
This day marks the beginning of a new year for trees while they are still in their winter sleep . In just a few short months trees will emerge from their slumber , start to bloom , and begin a new fruitbearing cycle . Learn all about trees , their gifts to people , and find out more about the new fruit forest at The Grove during this celebration of trees and nature .
The Grove
W • 4:30-5:30 am
1 / 24
5 + Yrs
$ 12 /$ 14
U . S . Presidents & their Animals
Visit The Grove this President ' s Day to learn about our leaders through exploration , activities , and crafts . Tour the Interpretive Center and learn what were some of the president ' s favorite animals . Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult . Adults must register separately .
The Grove
Sa • 10-11 am
2 / 19
5 + Yrs
$ 7 /$ 9
Leprechaun Gold Hunt
Hunt for leprechaun gold between tanks , under animal displays , and throughout the Interpretive Center . Collect clues to decode the location of our leprechaun ' s gold and collect your treasure .
The Grove
Su • 10-11 am
3 / 17
6 + Yrs
$ 10 /$ 12
Spring Break Adventurer ' s Club
Learn about our world through exploration , critter encounters , hikes , crafts , and more . Join us for one or all five days of spring break fun ! Dress appropriately for the weather as a large portion of this program will be outdoors . This is a drop off program and a daily snack is included .
The Grove 207030-A
M • 9:30-11:30 am
3 / 25
Tu • 9:30-11:30 am
3 / 26
W • 9:30-11:30 am
3 / 27
Th • 9:30-11:30 am
3 / 28
6-9 Yrs
$ 30 /$ 40
Winter Scavenger Hunt
Your family will enjoy discovering signs of life along The Grove ' s trails this winter . Learn to identify the different types of tracks you might come across in your own backyard ! Make your own tracking guide and then go on a hike to test what you have learned .
The Grove
Su • 10:30-11:30 am
1 / 28
6-10 Yrs
$ 8 /$ 10
What ' s a Winter Solstice ?
The natural phenomena gives us the perfect opportunity to celebrate the seasons , geography , and the Earth ' s natural occurrences . Learn with your senses through hands-on activities as we celebrate the cool and bare landscape that winter delivers . Guided winter hike included .
The Grove
Th • 4-5 pm
12 / 21
7-12 Yrs
$ 7 /$ 9