Winter Garden Magazine November 2018 | Page 47

What We Offer A nswer K ey Word Game, Page 54 P E T G I C D V J W K G P K E N D G R A T I T U D E L O L A L H M Z O L Q M R T I R F A M I L Y Y A X O O B U Y O S U T R E A E I L L A S O R R H Q D F P H M S J A N P Y V D S Y X D T P U I V Q E X Y I T N J N I C Y X W P U K S W U O R J B I C O S R E M I E H Z L A R A T U T W A N G A F I E D B Q K A E P D A W J B B P I D K L X T P R O W R Y W I N E M K X U I C I S M U I X A C O U L I O Y O K T H A N K S G I V I N G I G T X V K F U C L G C O M M U N A L P A N I N I A B H B P W W D K Q J P D U B N K Z I X H G U Z F H K D Z N M T P S R K F W C P K G D A E R B N I K P M U P I E I W R P W Y HEALTHY LIVING HOLIDAY DELECTABLES AND DEMENTIA GARDENPARTY GLASSCEILING JOLLYJOG HOW TO ENJOY THEM GUILTLESSLY SBAGLIATO MUSICALMINDS PUMPKINBREAD THANKSGIVING WALK keeping the calorie equation filled and balanced. The more energy spent on physical activity, the more we can cheat on meals. Keeping fresh melon or pineapple available to snack on when the refrigerator is opened for the twentieth time, limits the nagging from the homemade cornbread wrapped and put far back to prevent easy access. A whole cup of pineapple is only 83 calories, and just think how There are plenty of apps for the digital amazing that sweet, melt-in-your age that can be used to keep track mouth fruit tastes as it releases tangy of calories in and calories spent, juice across our tongue. There is no continued from pg. 33 Students Y AXIUM blackened on top, it’s a good idea to up the cardio, or spend a few hours in the yard weeding and mowing. One hour of gardening will offset about five pieces of Dove chocolate (220), and not quite enough to offset the 323 calories in 1/8 of pumpkin pie without whipped cream, but definitely worth it to prevent additional inches of fluff around the middle. Parents K COMMUNAL TURKEY Teachers E ALZHEIMERS PANINI Who We Are guilt when we grab BLACKFRIDAY a piece and pop it FAMILY in our mouth, especially knowing it’s GRATITUDE keeping us from hunting PANCREAS down that ROSALLIE cornbread and having “just a sliver.” TRANSIT WINE The downward slide of the year doesn’t mean we will reach the downfall of all of our hard work keeping fit over the last ten months. It means we have to be mindful of what we do choose to eat; in other words pick a small piece of homemade lasagna laden with oozing mozzarella, instead of orange spreadable cheese on crackers sitting on the hors d’oeuvres table. Move away from the nuts and if munching can’t be helped, pick up crunchy raw vegetables, skip the dip, and if necessary, make grabbing food difficult by relocating. Having a general idea of calories per portion size will help keep the regimen on track while allowing for extra special treats throughout the holidays. Food journal applications do the work of keeping your calorie count manageable, and by all means, if there’s an upcoming feast, go burn off some calories on the bicycle and keep a peaceful mind, too. NOVEMBER 2018 | WINTER GARDEN MAGAZINE |   47