pictures of the trail, and read others’
accounts of their hike. You have to
break down the goal into increments
to bring success. A string of successes
leads to completion of a long-
distance hike. Establish goals that
can be achieved in a week, month,
or a year, and you will find quite a
lot of successes, as well as a charged
battery to make new intentions, all
the while living a quality life. Start
with small goals first, and take a week
as an increment to pound out three
well-rounded days in the gym to make
strides for a successful hike. Once
your week is optimal, work out what
overall monthly accomplishments
you can achieve, and take the steps to
hold yourself to those goals. Without
small specific goals, you cannot
expect to reach the larger intention.
A specific goal is designed to set a
measurement in which to strive
towards, whether it’s the yellow tape
of the finish line, or remodeling your
bathroom on your own, the proverbial
yellow tape verifies the celebration of
completion as you carry it forward to
a succeeding goal. The best you can
do is one foot in front of the other,
until that is no longer an option. Until
then, functioning even at the bare
continued on pg. 48
minimum is still functioning, and the commitment to move forward.
moving forward.
You’re just as skilled with using
basic tools to tackle minor repairs,
Desiring to improve your fitness level however, the problem lies in snags
requires training, and completing inevitably bound to happen during
small goals like running a mile at a repairs. Screws become so corroded
time at a time, gradually increasing from Florida’s humid climate that it
the miles as you prepare to sign up is swollen, and vows and clings to its
for a marathon. Preparation will make task at hand for dear life, disallowing
all the difference to your goals, if not your removal of the offending piece
physically, then mentally. There has to impeding your progress. Professionals
be preparation and research, whether have different tools or techniques you
it involves house renovations, or a may not have thought of, and they
physical challenge. Some knowledge possess an infinite wider variety of
of how to repair the screen outside tools that tackle the task with ease.
your window, is required, along Experience sets professionals apart
with a splining tool. Once you’ve from you, therefore their knowledge
watched a video or two, the task is is saving you from possibly hours
pretty straightforward and easy to of frustration. None of the taunts of
complete; other home repairs are potential setbacks has altered your
not as straightforward. Rate tasks in stubbornness to take care of installing
phases, ascertain necessary research, a new faucet. How hard can it be if
special tools, or how to thwart you’re simply undoing the old faucet
potential problems that could arise and replacing it with a new one?
during installation.
Be prepared when you begin a new
project, no matter how easy it may
While it is frustrating to get started sound on the surface. Access several
on a project that really calls for do-it-yourself sites, and view any
another person to stabilize or offer potential issues as the ability to “look
leverage, you’re not up for scheduling it up“ is vast.
your life around the availability of
a professional, so you have made With anything, time is of the essence,
MARCH 2019